Investor Statement

The Global Investor Statement on Farm Animal Welfare

The Signatories to the BBFAW Global Investor Statement on Farm Animal Welfare identify farm animal welfare as being potentially material to long-term investment value creation in the food sector and they commit to taking account of farm animal welfare in their analyses of food companies and in their engagement with these companies.

As of July 2024, 33 investors, representing $2.8 trillion in assets under management, have signed the Statement. The signatories to the statement are:

Aberdeen Standard Investments
AMP Capital Ethical Leaders Fund
ASR Netherlands
Australian Ethical Investment
Aviva Investors
BNP Paribas Asset Management

Boston Trust Walden
Brunel Pension Partnership

Castlefield Investment Partners LLP


Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church
Coller Capital

EdenTree Investment Management
Epworth Investment Management

Henderson Global Investors
Hermes EOS
Karner Blue Capital
KBI Global Investors

Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB

Metrics Credit Partners

NEI Investments

NN Group
Sonen Capital
The Sustainability Group of Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge Trust, LLC
Trillium Asset Management
Triodos Investment Management

To become a signatory to the Global Investor Statement on Farm Animal Welfare, or to find out more, please contact: